I'm disappointed for 2 reasons: firstly because I believe it's a genuinely good advert - it has a good mix of humour, intrigue and a little bit of shock, all blended together with a very clear message - using this mayonnaise is like having a New York Deli in your kitchen - it's a good ad and it'd be a shame to see it pulled. Secondly I'm disappointed in my country for being so ridiculously uptight that a 1 second kiss between two men is so utterly shocking that people absolutely have to run from their sofas to their phone and hit speed dial number 4 - the ASA. (Speed dial 1: Mum, Speed dial 2: The Proctologist (sometimes these people get their heads so far up their own arses they can't breathe), Speed Dial 3: Jesus).
179 complaints in a week, for less man-on-man action that you see in the pub on a thursday night. These people complaining seriously need to get out more and discover the country they're actually living in. Homosexuality exists, get used to it! I can't believe that over 1 person every single hour that this ad has been on has felt moved to complain to the ASA.
I've never seen an advert that has annoyed me so much I've felt the need to stand up from the sofa, let alone walk across the room, find a phone number for the ASA, phone them, stay on hold for a while, lodge my complaint and then go and have a wank about how great I am for making the world a better place. I don't know how these people can be bothered, personally.
What exactly are they trying to protect people from? THINK OF THE CHILDREN! What exactly will little Timmy or Janey do when they see these two men sharing a kiss in a situation where the NY Deli owner is quite obviously representing this man's wife? Are they going to go out thinking it's okay to kiss strange men who give you extra ham with their secret mayonnaise? Are young boys going to jump at the first man they see next time they go out and start engaging in homoerotic action because of this advert?
NO, of course they fucking aren't! The reaction that 99% of children will have is "hurrrr, gay!" and they'll think nothing more of it. And for the other 1% it might just open their eyes to the fact that homosexuality is, in fact, okay and shouldn't be something we pretend doesn't exist. Who knows.
All I can say is that it's a damn shame that a good advert is being complained about so much because so many people in this country are determined to pretend that gay people don't exist, that there is nothing going on in the world that wasn't strictly prescribed by the Old Testament.
Grow the fuck up and complain about something that actually matters, like I don't know, gun crime, knife crime, inflation, indigestion, the credit crunch, ladies that lunch, recession, depression and Roger Federer.
These people shouldn't be allowed to vote!